What can video do for recruiting?

Videos are becoming increasingly important in today's recruiting. Soon 82% of the entire internet is expected to consist of videos. Today, more than 70% of Google search results already contain a video. These are up to 53% more likely to be displayed on the first page.

The future belongs to video, obviously. Job ads and career pages including video already have up to 12% more views than without video. In addition, such ads receive up to 34% more applications on average. 

One minute of video conveys around 1.8 million words via the images shown. This is the perfect opportunity to share as much information as possible in the shortest possible time. This makes the recruiting video an extremely well-suited format for presenting your company individually, going into more detail about your corporate culture and placing your job advertisement. Especially if your company is less well known, a video offers great advantages. With a small budget, you can easily achieve a reach that large companies have already spent a lot of money on. 

In the future, more and more companies will approach applicants in this way. A video also serves as a filter. Candidates who watch a video about a company or a job can assess it much better. This enables them to make a qualified decision about a possible application, as the corporate culture is conveyed, which is decisive for 76% of all candidates. Companies therefore receive suitable candidates more often through video-based job advertisements. 

Overall, it is also more cost-effective to use a video to search for candidates and build an employer brand. Because in the age of social media, smartphones, YouTube and the like, it is the medium with the widest reach that you can use. Excellent for your employer branding!

Job advertisements that are enriched with a good video are considered useful by 2 out of 3 viewers.     

Videos in recruiting so far

Not all recruiting films are the same. The various formats of advertising film, employer film, departmental and professional group film, teaser, event film and testimonial are used depending on the target group, budget and technology used. These film formats are generally based on a major concept. They are elaborately produced and therefore correspondingly cost-intensive.

However, the new world of videos in the recruiting sector is characterized by short and authentic formats. A recruiting video recorded with a smartphone can be perfectly adequate as long as you pay a little attention to the quality of the light and sound. As a company, you can make a statement and reach younger target groups in particular, who have grown up with the medium of video in the age of digitalization. These productions are neither cost-intensive nor time-consuming, but make a lasting, positive impression on your applicants.

Videos in recruiting today - what has changed

Do you remember the old days when the contents of a book were highly valued? We found a book on a windowsill with the words "To take away" written on it. Back then, we followed this request and actually looked inside the book and read it instead of googling reviews first.

How has time evolved since then? We would like to look at the development of the internet from the moment the rise of social media began. Numerous posts and publications compete for the attention of users. The large number of posts leads to a strong sensory overload. As a result, the attention span has dropped drastically. The first 2 milliseconds count when it comes to winning the battle for the user's attention. Once you have won a person's attention, they only have an average of 15 seconds to devote to a piece of content. While many companies on Facebook are still captivating users with text, photo and graphic content, short and non-professional videos are the format of choice for Asia's leading short video platform, TikTok. And TikTok is just one portal whose growth rates show that video is the winner among content formats. In 2018, TikTok was already one of the most popular apps in the Apple App Store worldwide - only Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger and Facebook were downloaded more frequently in the Google Play Store.

Video is hugely important in the battle for attention. We can now speak of the dominance of videos on the internet. 

Job Ads become videos 

In contrast to a purely text-based job advertisement with a low attention-grabbing effect, a job advertisement that relies on video stands out due to the emotions that are addressed. This creates an initial bond with the company and arouses curiosity. The viewer wants to find out more than just the video. An attention-grabbing medium has therefore already been found with the use of videos in the job advertisement. But what content can a company use to attract attention in times of the sensory overload mentioned above? This is where the authentic presentation of the most important content comes into play. 

Authenticity beats glossy. Presenting razor-sharp, glossy videos is no longer important today. The key is to focus on authentic content and its impact on users. After all, applicants want to get a feel for the company. For example, for their future colleagues who work there - after all, applicants want to feel that they are in good hands in the team. Through the job presentation in the video, they notice much more quickly which corporate culture and values are shared and can more easily decide to apply - for the company.  

The future will belong to video-based job advertisements. They can be produced easily and conveniently using today's smartphone technology. Apps such as the metru Recruit app support you during production so that you can concentrate fully on the content. The app takes care of directing, editing, animation and sound. Now it's just a matter of filming - make an impression as a company and attract more applicants than ever before with video recruiting.