These could be your results!

How does Performance Recruiting work?

With the right use of social advertising and active sourcing, you as an employer can both actively and, above all, passively convince job seekers that you are the right employer for them. It is very important to reach the right target group with the right message. Our video job ad is exactly the right method to attract the attention of candidates. At the end of the process, you can easily filter out the candidates who are a perfect fit for your company.

This makes metru Performance
so unique:

14 years of experience in video production

Custom built HR software

On the one hand, we have 14 years of expertise in visual language and have therefore mastered the communication of your employer attractiveness features. On the other hand, we use our specially developed software solution, which is primarily aimed at bringing out personality traits. Because we are convinced that these are at least as important as professional expertise, we combine proven marketing methods with a modern and psychologically sound candidate journey.
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metru Performance Package

What you get from us:

Active  sourcing
Active sourcing - the way to draw ATTENTION to your job offer. And, above all, to increase it for you as an attractive employer.
Video production
Well-known clients such as BMW, Fujitsu and Targobank have benefited from our experience to date. Attract the interest of applicants with attractive video job ads.
Personalized funnel
Through a job-specific and individual applicant quiz, candidates can fulfill their WISH for a match.
Time-shifted job interview
The candidates take ACTION in a time-shifted, video-based interview. This allows you to determine whether your candidates have the desired potential, the right soft skills and cultural fit.
KI applicant analysis
You can obtain fact-based information about the communicative impact of applicants by analyzing our AI.
We place job advertisements on our in-house portal metru Jobs and on portals such as Indeed and Google Jobs. We increase the reach. Also that of your job advertisement.

The right communication at the right time

The closer the candidates get to a job offer, the more willing they are to spend time and energy on it. The effective approach in video format and an application process that is broken down into simple steps gradually increase the candidate's willingness to complete the process. A 1-minute click-funnel interview checks whether the job requirements are met. If this is the case, a matching takes place and the interest and willingness to conduct a time-delayed interview arises.
At each stage of the recruiting process, the requirement for the candidate is matched to their level of readiness.
Arrange a non-binding consultation
Our pricing model

Performance Recruiting Package

Production of a Jobvideo
Landingpage with your CI
15 second click funnel
Playing the job video on social media
Active sourcing LinkedIn + Xing
Time-shifted job interviews
AI analysis of communicative competence
Recruiting expert search
Candidate support
 1 Job
5 Jobs
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    Customer references

    "Das Ergebnis war einfach überwältigend! Jederzeit gerne wieder mit metru.

    "Stefan M.
    "Mit den Lösungen von metru konnte ich die Anzahl meiner Bewerbungen vervielfachen. Danke metru!"

    Verena D.
    "Man spürt von der ersten Sekunde an die Leidenschaft und Hingabe, mit der Sie die Projekte angehen!"

    Simon M.
    "Ein ganz neuer und hocheffektiver Ansatz, der die Bewerber:Innen in den Mittelpunkt rückt und dadurch den Bewerbungsprozess bei uns positiv verändert  hat"

    Ingo H.
    “Danke metru! Noch nie haben unsere Recruiting-Maßnahmen in so kurzer Zeit zu einer so umfassenden Auswahl an qualifizierten Bewerbern geführt. So konnten wir unseren kurzfristig aufgetretenen Personalbedarf sehr schnell decken.

    ”Daniel N.
    “Professionelles und freundliches Team, innovatives Produkt, welches die Menge an Bewerbungen vervielfacht hat."

    Tanja K.

    Use metru for your growth!

    We offer the right tools for a more efficient application process. Our support team will be happy to help and advise you. Give us a call:

    + 49 (0)221 / 899 94 254