The motivation you bring to the job is what HR decision-makers want to recognize. After all, it holds the potential for you to perform well in your new job.
The fact is that in today's world, work content changes almost every six months. Software and hardware are constantly evolving. Job starters have the role of mastering these changes. The HR manager in the company is therefore looking for candidates who are best able to deal with these constant technical and content-related innovations and have the right mindset to not be intimidated by challenges.
An employee who does not have the right attitude for their chosen position will probably never be able to perform to their full potential. HR managers rely on new employees to be successful. Therefore, if certain expectations are not met during the probationary period, this often leads to dismissal. The applicant's attitude and personality are therefore crucial when an employer is looking for new employees. It is therefore important not to be afraid to show personality. The world belongs to the brave. So feel free to show off your personality. You can show who you are.
In everyday working life, our intrinsic attitude is essential for our motivation and influences our decisions. Those who go through life with positive thoughts and previously defined goals are more self-confident and achieve goals much more easily. Especially in difficult situations, it really depends on your inner attitude. If you are mentally well prepared for critical situations, you can react confidently and don't let things get you down. After all, you learn the most from your mistakes.
You can use various self-reflection questions to get to the bottom of your inner attitude and possibly make corrections in good time. Such questions are:
- How do I feel when I imagine this situation or event? Is my attitude then positive or negative?
- Do I actually have any other choice?
- What do I have to do to accept a situation as it is? Can I change anything?
- What feelings did I have when I lived through the situation? Was I able to think clearly? Did negative feelings such as anger or hatred arise in me?
- In which situation did I really enjoy working?
The answers show you who you are and what you expect from your professional life. You can reflect on situations in peace and find your way to a positive attitude. If you have developed a positive attitude towards your own actions, you will achieve an authentic appearance. This also manifests itself in the form of a pleasant charisma towards other people. If you don't achieve this, it may be a sign that you should take a different path. This may then give you the motivation that makes you passionate about something.
Whether people are motivated to work depends on their goals and drives. One goal may be to be recognized for their work performance. Another goal is to successfully master special challenges and grow as a result.
The term attitude is clear, but how can you actually make the term "personality" more tangible? How can it be defined? The answers to these questions can be very exciting for you, as your personality is a fundamental part of your existence. It is important for you to have a basic understanding of this.
In general, there is no single scientific definition of what is meant by personality. Research investigates how personality is formed by certain individual predispositions and environmental conditions and what has shaped personality.
One of the best-known and most recognized scientists to have worked on this topic is the American psychologist Gordon Allport. He conducted research into social psychology at Harvard University back in the 1930s. He observed which drives form the basis for personality. From 49 definitions and his own work on personality, Gordon Allport discovered that personality is a dynamic order of the individual's psychophysical systems. The order of the systems ultimately determines the nature of the person's adaptations to environmental conditions. Within his analysis of the "shape and growth of personality", Allport arrived at the important "Big Five Model" of psychology.
To make it easier for you to categorize your traits, we have described the five dimensions of the Big Five in more detail:
Openness to experience: People with openness to new experiences are inventive, curious, but if negative in this area they are conservative and overcautious.
Conscientiousness: Someone with high values in this area is effective and acts in an organized manner. Someone with a low score in conscientiousness reacts in a carefree and careless manner.
Extraversion: If you are strong in this area, your personality is sociable, assertive and has a high energy level. Someone who is weak in this area is reserved or even reserved.
Agreeableness, willingness to cooperate, consideration: A high score in this area means that you are cooperative, friendly and compassionate. A cordial way of dealing with classmates, colleagues and bosses characterizes people who classify themselves here.
Neuroticism: This area of the five factors examines whether you react emotionally, experience anxiety more frequently or suffer from nervousness and tension. People with low neuroticism scores are self-confident, calm, content, relaxed and secure.
Once you have found out who you really are, you will be in a much better position to make requests and demands of your employer and your workplace. Of course, researching your own personality is a lot of work. But if you invest energy at this point, it will pay off for you. For example, the recruiter will ask you to talk about positive experiences from your professional life during the interview. Depending on the situation, they may also want to know what didn't go so well. So tell them about your successes and any challenges you have overcome. If you are looking for your own strengths and weaknesses, the method of self-reflection will help you. Ask yourself questions such as "What was going on?", "Why did this job go so well?" or "Why was it still possible to bring a problem to a successful conclusion?" and most fundamentally: "How does this all relate to my personality and attitude?". If you can convey the right success stories, your self-reflection has been successful.
Personal characteristics in the application make your own introduction to the employer of choice unique and unmistakable. Your personality is presented alongside your professional skills. You have the opportunity to show your personality in the various elements of your application process.
An application video is a particularly good way to show your personality. You can present your attitudes, values and motivations in the video to an even greater extent than with a text-only application. Your smartphone is all you need to create an application video. The important thing is to impress with authentic and genuine videos. It is therefore not necessary to hire a professional video production company.
What's more, you don't have to limit yourself to just one video. Many applicants use several videos to supplement all the components of their application in detail. You can create one video each for your cover letter, CV and skills. Similar to the application photo, your appearance with gestures and facial expressions, the clothing and the video environment can be individualized in the video. However, make sure that the video always focuses on your attitude and personality, as the recruiter really wants to know who you really are.
The fear of not presenting yourself appropriately in your application or interview is unfounded. Just make sure you don't exaggerate and remain authentic. Acting won't help you in the application process, as you ultimately have to deliver what you say you will. So stick to your strengths.
You have no reason to hide your personality. On the contrary, "I am what I am" can apply during the application phase. The well-known song title has been published by numerous female artists, including Beverly Knight in 2012, because the lyrics speak to so many people. The song is about being true to who you really are. You shouldn't be afraid to step out of line. Because everyone can go through life to the beat they like and will find exactly the right people along the way who appreciate exactly that.
Attitude is everything. Attitude to the job is what counts. But how can you successfully present your attitude and skills? Because the recruiter wants to get to know your skills. They want to know whether you can act flexibly or whether you are too rigid. They can then see whether you as an employee can solve problems that arise unexpectedly during the working day. Because then you can become a very valuable employee for them. The application process offers you the opportunity to present positive experiences and report on the difficulties you have overcome in your professional life. This requires detailed self-reflection. It will show you whether you are on the right path. You may also find it helpful to classify your personality into the trait fields of the Big Five model in order to get to know yourself better. Examining your individual characteristics and desires is therefore worth the effort. You can then show what personality you have inside you and will realize that this is the path to success.