The medium of video offers decisive advantages in the search for the right candidates for your company. Unlike text, videos can help to convey emotions and attract people to your company. By watching these videos, candidates can get a better picture of the company and the position. This enables them to make an informed decision about a potential application. For 76% of all candidates, the company culture is decisive for their application. Companies are therefore more likely to receive suitable candidates.
Let's be honest! What does the recruiting process look like with traditional job ads? The ads all have the same appearance. Hardly anyone reads them all the way through and they can't be shared on social media channels. They simply don't give any insight into the company.
A job video, on the other hand, conveys a feeling for the company, for the people who work there, how they look, how they act. Video is the perfect medium for this.
Less time-consuming and much more economical is the job video from metru. It is a video-based job advertisement that is produced easily and conveniently with our metru Recruit app. The app takes care of all the tasks involved in media production.
We have also rethought the conventional concept of job boards as we believe that job ads still have an important role to play. However, they need to be complemented by the medium of video. The video gives the applicant an impression of the company and they can call up further information if they are interested.
A glossy, expensive production is no guarantee for a successful employer branding video or job video. Authenticity and the effect of the video on the viewer are much more important. You don't necessarily need a large media production.
metru's intelligent solution takes you by the hand and guides you through the process quickly and easily. With the metru Recruiter App, all tasks like directing, editing, animation and sound design are automatically taken care of for you. The professional video is created in just 10 minutes. The app is the result of our expertise in video production and the use of visual language from 13 years of experience.
more applications by video-based job ads
75% of HR professionals assume that job advertisements will contain less text and more audiovisual formats in the future.
50% of candidates say that a video is crucial for the application.
Important! Do not download the metru app for Jobvideo, but the metru Recruit app! Only this allows you to shoot a video for your job advertisement.
Before you start recording, briefly prepare what you want to show and say. You can set your own priorities or use our guiding questions. Then start the recording.
Once the videos have been recorded, you can trim them and select a logo for the video opener. Various sound files are available to accompany the spoken word.
The app takes care of all media production tasks. It automatically combines the opener and the recordings you have produced, adds an outro and adds music to the video.
We offer the right tools for a more efficient application process. Our support team will be happy to help and advise you. Give us a call: